"I don't look good in Green." Not true. Everyone can wear any color if you pick the right shade for your skin tone. Here's a little help so you can look your best when you are out celebrating St. Patty's Day!
The first step is to identify your season. Yes, I know it's Spring. But what "Season" are you? This refers to your skin tone…
"Winter" complexions have blue or pink undertones. People who fall into this category are generally brunettes, with skin best described as pale white, yellowish-olive, or dark, and they have deeply colored eyes. Many Asians and African Americans have "Winter" complexions.
"Summer" complexions have blue or pink undertones, but unlike "Winters," they are more often natural blondes or brunettes with light-colored eyes.
"Autumn" complexions feature golden undertones (think of redheads and brunettes with golden brown eyes)
"Spring" skin has golden undertones (may be described as a creamy white or peach skinned, strawberry blondes with freckles , blue or green eyes)
As you can see, looking good on St. Patrick's Day does not require luck of the Irish, only a little experimentation with color. Enjoy the day!
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